We are part of CoREx (COST Action CA22150) that explores the dynamic relationship between executive politicians, top civil servants, and ministerial advisers
A Network of Researchers
Comparative Research
CoREx brings together researchers to study the "executive triangle" through an internationally comparative lens
Knowledge Sharing
The project aims to develop a common conceptual and methodological framework for analysing the executive triangle, fostering knowledge sharing and collaboration
Data Collection and Analysis
Institutional Set-up
Mapping the structure and functions of executive triangles across participating countries
Career Backgrounds
Examining educational and professional backgrounds of executive politicians, civil servants, and ministerial advisers
Roles and Interactions in Policymaking
Analysing influence dynamics and decision-making patterns within the executive triangle
Accountability and Transparency
Investigating accountability mechanisms and oversight practices within executive governance
Understanding Democratic Governance
Political Polarisation
Examining democratic governance amid rising polarisation and populist movements
Executive Triangle Dynamics
Analysing relationships between politicians, civil servants, and advisers to understand governance challenges
Policymaking and Accountability
Evaluating how executive configurations impact policy decisions and oversight
Working Group 2: Career Patterns in the Executive Triangle
Data Collection
WG2 focuses on collecting and analysing career data to explore patterns of politicisation within the executive triangle
Comparative Analysis
The group compares the career trajectories of advisers and civil servants, examining whether they come from within or outside the bureaucracy and whether they have party-political backgrounds
Mapping Knowledge
WG2 members will develop a joint data collection protocol and codebook to ensure consistent data collection across participating countries
Comparative Dataset
CoREx will compile country-specific datasets on the careers of all advisers, top civil servants, and ministers in office, creating a comparative dataset
Dissemination of Results
Scientific Community
CoREx will disseminate its research findings to the scientific community through publications, conferences, and workshops
The project will engage with policymakers and other stakeholders, sharing its insights and recommendations to inform decision-making
Public at Large
CoREx will make its research findings accessible to the public through various outreach activities, promoting public understanding of democratic governance